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News and Information

2021-2022 METRO Act Municipal Reports Available

Communities over 10,000 people are required to complete and return the 2021-2022 METRO Act Municipality Annual Report (covering the period from April 1 2021 to March 31, 2022). Please send the completed report to

LCSA Partners with Michigan CLASS

LCSA recently partnered with Michigan CLASS to bring LCSA payments online!

What Does this Partnership Mean for Your Entity?

Through this partnership with Michigan CLASS, your entity can receive your LCSA distributions directly to a Michigan CLASS account. When you opt to receive your payments online with Michigan CLASS, your entity’s funds will be deposited directly into your account immediately following the initiation of the LCSA distribution, eliminating delays and potential fraudulent activity associated with physical mailing.

What is Michigan CLASS?

Michigan CLASS is a short-term, highly liquid local government investment pool (LGIP) designed specifically for public agencies. Michigan CLASS provides the opportunity to invest funds on a cooperative basis in legally permitted investments under Michigan State Law that are carefully chosen in an effort to provide maximum safety and liquidity.

Creating a Michigan CLASS account for your LCSA funds enables you to easily track your funds for reporting and auditing purposes while the Michigan CLASS Transaction Portal allows you to move your funds to your bank accounts on file without transaction fees.*

To get started with online distributions, please click here!

*You may incur fees associated with wires and/or ACH transactions by your bank, but there will be no fees charged from Michigan CLASS for such transactions. Investment involves risk including the possible loss of principal. No assurance can be given that the performance objectives of a given strategy will be achieved. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any financial and/or investment decision may incur losses.

METRO Act Right-of-Way Permit Notice Requirement

METRO Act Right-of-Way Permit Notice Requirement

Section 6.(6) of the METRO Act states that “A municipality shall notify the commission when it grants or denies a permit, including information regarding the date on which the application was filed and the date on which the permit was granted or denied.”  Please submit a letter or email to the Michigan Public Service Commission providing notice of any METRO Act right-of-way permit approvals or denials.  The following information should be included with the notice:

1.      Who the permit is with

2.      Date of application

3.      Date of approval/denial

4.      Whether the permit is unilateral (5 years) or bilateral

5.      Contact person for the municipality with phone number and email address

The letter or email should be sent to the attention of:

Mr. Ryan McAnany, Acting Director
Telecommunications Division
Michigan Public Service Commission
7109 W. Saginaw Hwy.
P.O. Box 30221
Lansing, MI 48909

METRO Act permit questions can be directed to Sean Kelly at 517-284-8210 or

The MPSC website includes a report listing the permits previously received from municipalities:,9535,7-395-93309_93439_93464_94128_94129_94325-503418–,00.html