Resolution 2024-01 Authorize Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
Resolution 2024-01.2 METRO Act Annual Report
Resolution 2024-02 Authorize Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
Resolution 2024-03 Authorize METRO Act Fee-sharing Payments
Resolution 2024-04 Fiscal Year 2023-2024 General Appropriations Act Budget Amendment
Resolution 2024-05 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act Budget Adoption
Resolution 2024-06 Authorize Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
Resolution 2024-07 Adopt Credit Card Policy and Authorize Credit Card Agreement
Resolution 2024-08 Authorize Payment of County Health Departments for Reimbursement for Cost of Service
Resolution 2024-09 Authorize Payments to Municipalities for Fire Protection Services Received by State Facilities
Resolution 2024-10 Board Member Travel Reimbursement Policy
Resolution 2024-11 Schedule of Regular Meetings for 2025
Resolution 2023-01 Authorize February Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
Resolution 2023-02 Authorize May Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
Resolution 2023-03 METRO Act Fee Sharing Payments
Resolution 2023-05 FY 2023-2024 Budget Time Schedule
Resolution 2023-06 FY 2022-2023 Budget Amendment
Resolution 2023-07 FY 2023-2024 General Appropriations Act
Resolution 2023-08 Designation of Depository for Authority Funds
Resolution 2023-09 Authorize October Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
Resolution 2023-10 Authorize Payments to County Health Departments
Resolution 2023-11 Authorize Payments to Municipalities for Fire Protection Services
Resolution 2023-12 Schedule of Regulation Meetings
Resolution 2022-01 Authorize February Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
Resolution 2022-02 Authorize May Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
Resolution 2202-03 Authorize METRO Act Fee Sharing Payments
Resolution 2202-04 Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Amendment 1
Resolution 2202-05 FY 2022-2023 Budget Time Schedule
Resolution 2202-06 Board Member Travel Reimbursement Policy
Resolution 2202-07 FY 2022-2023 General Appropriations Act
Resolution 2202-08 FY 2021 Budget Amendment 2
2021-01 Schedule of Regular Meetings for Calendar Year 2021
2021-02 Authorize Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
2021-03 METRO Act Annual Report
2021-04 Plante Moran Engagement Letter
2021-05 Approve Changes to Banking Documents and Authorization
2021-06 LCSS PPT Payments
2021-07 Authorize METRO Act Fee-sharing Payments
2021-08 Budget Amendment
2021-09 FY 2021-2022 Budget Time Schedule
2021-10 FY 2021-2022 General Appropriations Act
2021-11 Authorize Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
2021-13 Health Department Grants
2021-14 Fire Protection Payments
2021-15 Schedule of Regular Meetings for 2022
2020-17 Schedule of Regular Meetings for 2021
2020-16 Fiscal Year 2020-2021 General Appropriations Act Amendment
2020-15 Fire Protection Payments
2020-14 Health Department Grants
2020-13 Electronic Meeting Act Resolution
2020-12 Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
2020-11 Authorize Bills for Overpayment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
2020-10 Fiscal Year General Appropriations Act
2020-09 Fiscal Year 2020-2021 General Appropriations Act Amendment
2020-08 Approve Extension of Agreement for Auditing Services
2020-07 2019-2020 Budget Amendment
2020-06 Authorize METRO Act Fee-sharing Payments
2020-05 Authorize PPT Payment
2020-04 Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Schedule
2020-03 Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Notice
2020-02 Payment of LCSS Revenue
2020-01 METRO Act Annual Report
2019-24 Approve Changes to Banking Documents and Authorization
2019-23 Schedule of Regular Meetings for 2020
2019-22 Authorize Health Services Payments
2019-21 Fire Protection Payments
2019-20 Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
2019-19 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 General Appropriations Act
2019-18 2018 Overpayments to be Billed
2019-17 Excused Local Community Stabilization Share Overpayments for Calendar Years 2016 and 2017
2019-16 Institutional Trust Online Services Application
2019-15 Institutional Trust Online Services Agreement
2019-14 Bond Proceeds Certification
2019-13 Beneficial Ownership Form
2019-12 Cash Investment Fund Authority
2019-11 Designation of Trustee and Authorization to Accept Surplus Funds
2019-10 Governmental Cash Investment Fund Trust Agreement
2019-09 Approve Changes to Banking Documents and Authorization
2019-08 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget Notice
2019-07 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Schedule
2019-06 METRO Act Fee-sharing Payments
2019-05 Payment of LCSS Revenue
2019-04 Approve Second Amended and Restated Administrative Services Agreement between Local Community Stabilization Authority and Department of Treasury
2019-03 Payment of LCSS Revenue
2019-02 METRO Act Annual Report
2019-01 Auditor Engagement Letter
2018-16 Approve Second Amended and Restated Administrative Services Agreement between Local Community Stabilization Authority and the Department of Treasury
2018-15 Authorize Payments to Municipalities for Fire Protection Services Received by State Facilities
2018-14 Schedule of Regular Meetings for 2019
2018-13 Amendment to Schedule of Regular Meetings for 2018
2018-12 Authorize Payment for Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
2018-11 2018 METRO Act Fee-sharing Payment Township Corrections
2018-10 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 General Appropriations Act
2018-09 Fiscal Year 2017-2018 General Appropriations Act Amendment
2018–08 Statement of Work for Conversion Services
2018-07 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Notice
2018-06 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Schedule
2018-05 METRO Act Fee-sharing Payments
2018-04 Plante Moran Change Order
2018-03 Michigan CLASS Authorizing Resolution
2018-02 Payment of LCSS Revenue
2018-01 METRO Act Annual Report
2017-23 Schedule of Regular Meetings for 2018
2017-22 Authorize Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
2017-21 Authorize Professional Services Contract for METRO Act Database
2017-20 Approve Changes to Banking Documents and Authorization
2017-19 Approve Administrative Services Agreement
2017-18 Approve Amendment No. 2 to Administrative Services Agreement
2017-17 FOIA Policy
2017-16 Approve First Amended and Restated Administrative Agreement
2017-15 Approve Extension of Agreement for Financial And Accounting Services
2017-14 FY 2017-2018 General Appropriations Act
2017-13 Amending FY 2016-2017 General Appropriations Act
2017-12 Approval of Due Diligence for Potential Administrative Services Agreement
2017-11 Approval of Joint Representation for Amended Administrative Services Agreement
2017-10 Approve First Amended and Restated Administrative Agreement
2017-09 Authorize Change in Provider of Auditing Services
2017-08 Select Provider of Legal Services
2017-07 Records Management Policy
2017-06 Authorize METRO Act Fee Sharing Payments
2017-05 Publication of FY 2017-2018 Budget Notice
2017-04 FY 2017-2018 Budget Time Schedule
2017-03 Adopt Regular Meeting Schedule for 2017
2017-02 Select Legal Provider
2017-01 Authorize Payment of Local Community Stabilization Share Revenue
2016-20 Resolution to Authorize November 20 2016 LCSS Payment
2016-18 Resolution to Approve Tax Intercept Agreement
2016-17 Authorize Issuance of Request for Proposals for Legal Services
2016-16 Authorize November 20, 2016 Payments of Local Community Stabilization Share
2016-15 Amendment and Restatement of Bylaws
2016-14 Approve Tax-Intercept Agreement for School District of the City of Detroit
2016-13 Authorize Issuance of Request for Proposals for Legal Services
2016-12 Authorize Issuance of Request for Proposals for Legal Services
2016-11 Adoption of FY 2016-2017 Budget and Appropriations Act
2016-10 Authorize Issuance of Request for Proposals for Legal Services
2016-09 Authorize METRO Act Fee Sharing Payments
2016-08 Adopt Anti-Fraud Policy
2016-07 Authorize Payments for Debt Loss for Municipalities (May Winter Payment)
2016-06 Authorize Publication of FY 2016-2017 Budget Notice
2016-05 Approval of FY 2016-2017 Budget Time Schedule
2016-04 Election of Officers
2016-03 Amendment for Format of Agenda
2016-02 Amendment and Restatement of By Laws
2016-01 Authorize Payments for Debt Loss for Municipalities
2015-01 Authorize Administrative Services Agreement with LARA
2015-02 Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy
2015-03 Authorize Agreement for Financial and Accounting Services
2015-07 Adopt Investment Policy
2015-08 Approval of Disbursements
2015-09 Adopt Disbursement Policy
2015-10 Amending FY 2014-2015 General Appropriations Act
2015-11 Authorize METRO Act Fee Sharing Payments
2015-12 Authorize Issuance of Request for Proposals for Audit Services
2015-13 FY 2015-2016 Budget Time Schedule
2015-14 Publication of FY 2015-2016 Budget Notice
2015-15 FY 2015-2016 General Appropriations Act
2015-16 Authorize Amendment of Administrative Services Agreement with LARA
2015-17 Authorize Administrative Services Agreement with Department of Treasury
2015-18 Authorize Payments for Small Taxpayer Exemption Loss
2015-19 Authorize Agreement for Audit Services
2015-20 Authorize Purchase of Directors and Officers Insurance
2014-01 Adoption of Bylaws
2014-02 – Election of Officers
Resolution 2014-3 – Retain Legal Counsel
2014-04 Confirm Tax-Exempt Status
2014-05 Adopt Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Policy
2014-06 Adopt Procurement Policy
2014-07 Format for Agenda, Minutes and Resolutions
2014-08 FY 2014-2015 Budget Time Schedule
2014-09 Publication of FY 2014-2015 Budget Notice
2014-10 Designate Financial Institution
2014-11 Adopt Regular Meeting Schedule for 2014
2014-12 Amendment and Restatement of Bylaws
2014-13 FY 2014-2015 General Appropriations Act
2014-14 Authorize Administrative Services Agreement with LARA
2014-15 Adopt Record Management Policy